The members of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 501 were consolidated into the membership of Pipefitters Local 597 and Plumbers Local 130 effective April 1, 2013.
The Local 501 Education (JATC) Fund was merged into the training funds of Pipefitters Local 597 and Plumbers Local 130 effective July 1, 2013.
The Local 501 Health and Welfare Fund (known as the Northern Illinois Benefit Fund) was merged effective December 31, 2013.
The Local 501 Pension Fund is scheduled to be merged into the Pipefitters Local 597 and Plumbers Local 130 Pension Funds effective May 31, 2014.
All former members of Local 501 should seek information regarding the membership, training and welfare benefits from the Chicago local offices based on their trade.
The following is the contact information for the Chicago locals:
Pipefitters Local 597
45 N. Ogden Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Association Office: (312) 829-4191
Training Office (708) 326-9240
Health & Welfare: (312) 633-0597
Plumbers Local 130
1340 W. Washington Blvd.
Chicago, Illinois 60607
General Office: (312) 421-1010
JATC Office: (312) 421-1028
Health & Welfare Office: (312) 226-4200