Tips for Filing a Medicare Claim
Contact the Benefits Office
Tips for Filing a Medicare Claim
In order to expedite the processing of your medical claims, please advise your providers of service not to submit claims to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. Once you have incurred medical expenses, have your claims submitted to Medicare for consideration. After Medicare has considered the claims eligible for benefits, have the provider submit a copy of the original claim and a copy of the Medicare Explanation of Benefits directly to the Fund Office. When the Fund Office receives this information, the claims will be considered for payment.
Please do not submit claims to our office prior to receiving notification of Medicare payment. If the claims are received without the explanation of benefits, we will hold the claim and request the explanation of benefits. Please do not submit the Medicare explanation of benefits without submitting a copy of the actual claim to the Fund Office. The claim from the provider contains information that is required to consider the charges eligible for benefits.
